Professor Chris Paul was the guest for the St. Andrew's Colloquy this last Thursday. He lectured on the "Problem of Evil" which is a fairly strong and popular argument against the belief in a Christian God. He presented a Christian Response and took questions from the audience.

Perhaps the High School students at St. Andrew's could fill in some details....

I was especially struck by the word "robust" as Mr. Paul put it. He was refering to our view of the whole problem of evil, and that we need a solid view of the profundity of the issue, before we begin to counter the issue with Christian philosophy.
I guess it's just so easy to say, "God's in control," and assume the problem is fixed. Mr. Paul presented the "problem" robustly, to where I'd be personally hesitant just to fix it with the "Jesus" bandaid; but then gave equally robust answers to the problem.
Obviously, Jesus is the answer, but that involves a lot more than we may think at first. So a robust view of the problem of evil will force a more profound view of, really, God's nature.
So I'm saying I enjoyed it. :)
That was indeed a fun lecture. I think that the problem of evil is one we do come across alot in our everyday lives, and its good, especially as Christians, to have an answer for it. Mr. Paul had some options as far as arguments which, I thought, really made sense. I haven't had a chance to show off what I learned, but I'm sure I will.
That was a very interesting lecture, although I must say I'm not quite sure I understood it all. And some of the reasons for evil seemed very weak and excusish to me. But then, I'm just a student. It is a very fascinating and scary subject though. I'm reading the Brothers Karamazov right now and that is certainly one of the cheif subjects in the book. How could God allow grief and evil and suffering that is completely non-redemptive? But theb is there such a thing as non-redemptive suffering? Does 'goodness' necessarily mean that God should stop the above? If not, then how should we understand God? Who is this God person anyway? It makes my head hurt, all the possibilites. Ho hum. Life is very complicated. But then, if it wasn't, it would be very boring. Half the fun of living is learning.
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